Podcast ScriptSean: Good morning (or whatever time it is…) listeners of Siena Saint radio. This is Sean MoranMay 8, 2021May 8, 2021
The Evolution of Hip-HopHip Hop has been a major literary force over the past twenty years, yet has not not always been given the academic respect the genre…Apr 19, 20211Apr 19, 20211
The Blues, The BluesThe blues is a unique American poetic form with roots in oral performance and musical improvisation. The form was thought to have evolved…Apr 12, 20212Apr 12, 20212
Published inLinguistic ArchitectureA World Behind the SonnetThe sonnet is a traditional form of poetry founded in Italy in the early thirteenth century. The chapter “The Sonnet” by Marilyn Hacker…Mar 29, 20211Mar 29, 20211
Published inLinguistic ArchitectureThe Story Behind the PantoumThe pantoum is a traditional form of poetry, primarily noted for its intricate “prosody — internal rhyming at caesurae, syllabic…Mar 22, 20211Mar 22, 20211
The Art of the HaikuThe haiku is a form of poetry originating in Japan, and founded by Matsuo Basho (1644–1694), who transformed the verse into the forceful…Mar 8, 20211Mar 8, 20211
A Look into the GhazalHas stringently formal disunity — made up of thematically independent coupletsMar 3, 2021Mar 3, 2021
Published inLinguistic ArchitectureGhazal and RepetitionThe ghazal is a style of Arabic poetry most known for its formal disunity marked with rhyme, repetition, and prosody. The chapter “Ghazal…Mar 1, 20215Mar 1, 20215